7 Surefire Tips To Help You Lose 10 pounds Fast

Did you know you can
lose 10 pounds in about one week without exercise, starving or following some crazy crash diet? Think of your appearance for a minute. Imagine yourself standing in front of the mirror wearing those jeans that you thought would never fit you again. Now by following some basic guidelines you can learn how to lose 10 pounds of fat in 7 days by simply changing your diet.

These are the most important steps to help you lose those ten extra pounds fast:

Water - Drink 8-10 glasses a day
Water cleanses the body, increases metabolic rate, and curbs hunger. Before every meal drink at least 8 ounces of water. Doing this will help you lose weight, as you eat less but still feel full. This also helps you to get the recommended amount of water daily which is critical to lose weight fast.

Don't Skip Breakfast-
Make sure you eat hearty nutritious breakfast every day to kick start your metabolism.

According to a new study, eating more protein in the morning helps create the feeling of being full throughout the day and could help dieters lose weight. Eggs, lean meats such as turkey and fish, whole grain cereals, etc work to sustain blood sugar for a much longer period of time, reducing cravings and accelerating weight loss.

Increase your fiber intake-
Plenty of vegetables and fruits . Every meal should contain a healthy mix- half of the plate should be veggies , quarter of the plate - white meat or fish, and the rest can be fruit. I know that eating less is not always an option for a long lasting weight loss but it surely is an option for fast weight loss

Spreading your meals out-

Break down your meals throughout the day to 5-7 smaller meals instead of 3 large ones. This one change alone helps supercharge your metabolism.

No Sweets-
If you feel the craving for a snack have some fruit or nuts handy. If you really must have your 'fix' try consuming the unhealthy calories in the first part of the day. Because metabolism is higher in the morning compared to the evening.(but if your serious about losing the 10 pounds in a week stay away from sweets of any kind)

Be sure to get enough Sleep-
Get your 7-9 hours every night. Researchers from several separate studies have found a link between sleep and the hormones that influence our eating behavior.The result is an increased craving for food and not feeling full.

Get a body / colon cleanser-
Use a colon detox aka colonic cleanser for the entire week. This body detox will rid you of that 6-8 pounds of impacted waste trapped in your colon removing harmful toxins from your body that may cause you to store fat. This one step alone can get you more than half way to your weight loss goal.

So here's a short recap of what you need to do:
  1. Drink lots of water,
  2. Don't skip breakfast,
  3. Eat lots of fruit and veges,
  4. Eat smaller portions but more often,
  5. Stay away from high calorie treats,
  6. Get your sleep and
  7. Use a proven colon cleanser from a reputable supplier
Your just one week away from a slimmer, happier, healthier you. If you can follow these simple steps you'll be on target to lose those 10 pounds in about a week. Seeing that all of the steps outlined above are pretty much straight forward, the only thing you need to add is action!

If your interested in the many benefits of colon cleansing, you can learn more about how it works and how you can get a free month's supply of my recommended colon cleanser here at free colon cleanse

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